If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Relief in Pakistan

THE Salvation Army’s International Emergency Team is back at work in some of the areas of Pakistan affected badly by last October’s devastating earthquake.

Political unrest in the country led to the withdrawal of the team for a short while but Captain Mike McKee (International Headquarters Emergency Field Operations Officer) reports that the large and unpredictable demonstrations seem to be over. 'Our team is delighted to return and pick up where we left off,' he says.

Since returning to the area, the team has inspected a school where 319 pupils are being taught in tents and looked at several villages where help is needed as families attempt to return ‘home’ from the tented camps they had stayed in over the winter. According to team leader Brian Oxley – recently awarded the MBE for his international relief work with The Salvation Army – the challenge now is to identify and provide help to a village that would otherwise be forgotten.

Salvation Army International News

(and btw... aren't those little girls gorgeous!?)


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