If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Project 614 in Toronto, Canada

This is a half-hour audio program that's well worth a listen - especially if you like Canadian accents!

The Salvation Army Connection speaks to Geoff Ryan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Canadian accents?? I thought you guys were the ones with the accents (eh?)

Peter, Canada

5:09 am

Blogger Naomi said...


No, only me. I seem to have an accent wherever I go...

8:58 am


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