If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

HIV-affected Children in South Africa

This is a fantastic short video about the work being done in South Africa among children infected by, or affected by, HIV.

Carl Sithole Centre

Note: Video removed from this blog now that it's not the top post.


Blogger Steve Bussey said...

Hi Evangeline,

This is my first time reading your blog. It looks fantastic! Great job!

I see you have connections to Project 1:8. Were you part of the team which went to South Africa?

If so, did you know that Colleen and Darren are my brother/sister in law? My wife, Sharon is Colleen's sister.

Would it be OK if put a link to it on my blog?

Best regards,

Steve Bussey

7:20 am

Blogger Naomi said...

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the comments!

Yes, I do have connections (of a sort ;-) ) with Project 1:8... I haven't been on any of their trips, though. I don't think I know Colleen and Darrell? (it's a bit of a bold statement to make though, I'm constantly discovering more SA people that I didn't think I knew :-)

Feel free to put a link to Street War, or any of the articles mentioned, on your blog... more publicity would be nice, since it's designed mostly for Salvos to drop in and see what's happening round the globe!

12:06 pm

Blogger Tim said...

Hi Evangelin,

First of all, I’m guessing that this is the same Evangelin that comments on my blog? Anyway, I’ve just started a new blog for our work here in North London. We live and work in a refugee neighbourhood here. We have a huge Muslim population, so quite a bit of our efforts go towards trying to build a bridge between the Christian church and Muslims in the community. Here is an excerpt from our latest post.

“Today we got some great news. After more than a year of working to build bridges with the local Muslim community, one of the local families who would not allow their children to attend our clubs, has suddenly decided to start sending their middle son to hang out with us on Mondays. !!! Wow! It is an answer to prayer not only because we get to hang out with this young man, but because it also means that we are beginning to earn the trust of even some of the more traditional Muslims in our community.”

You can check us out at:


8:03 pm

Blogger Naomi said...

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the update!

Yup, I'm the same Evangeline... I think there's only one hanging around Salvo blogs atm. I could be wrong :-)

9:47 am

Blogger Naomi said...


Y'know, I just worked out who Darren and Colleen are (duhhhhhhhhhh). No, I still don't think I know them, but I know who you're talking about now.

(brain! wake up!)

4:16 pm

Blogger Steve Bussey said...

Hi Evangeline,

They are in Phutadijabi, Qwa Qwa - on the border of Lesotho in South Africa (breath!). They have worked with Paul Mergard for the past few years. When I saw that you were posting 1:8 material and had interest in AIDS babies, I thought you might have visited.

Check out my wife, Sharon's site (she's only blogged two or three times) for more info on Qwa Qwa. (http://womanofwar.blogspot.com)


7:13 am

Blogger Naomi said...

Steve, I would love to visit... people's stories of orphan kids desperately needing love stir my maternal instinct something shocking! But I don't think God's saying 'go' just yet. Sigh.

I'll check out Sharon's blog when I get a chance. Woman of war? I like her already! :-)

9:02 am


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