On the Side of Angels
No, not the Leanne Rimes song!
Ever read this book?
Apparently it's about to be re-released in Australia.
It's the story of a young, strait-laced preacher who God called to one of the least strait-laced groups in Australia - the bikers. Just like Frederick Booth-Tucker before him, he ditched the superficial parts of his church culture and took on the culture - but not the values - of the people to whom God called him. He didn't like it. He didn't enjoy it. It was a rough road full of eye-openings and challenges to his pre-conceptions and beliefs.
John Smith
Frederick Booth-Tucker
Article about John Smith
About the book
Just in case you didn't click - I highly recommend this book. It was part of the heart-shaping process God used to bring me to the Salvation Army... and has influenced my christian walk significantly. It taught me that you don't need to be 'rough' to get along with people who're classed as social outcasts - all you need to do is care.
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